Clearing Cache on Your Mac Computer: Step-by-Step Guide!

Clearing cache on your Mac computer is like giving it a breath of fresh air. It can help your system run smoother, faster, and free up precious storage space. If you've ever wondered about the how and why of clearing cache, you're in the right place. Let’s dive into the details and make your Mac feel brand new again.

clear cache on mac

What is Cache?

Definition of Cache

Cache is a collection of temporary files that your Mac stores to speed up various processes. When you visit websites, open apps, or perform tasks, your Mac saves bits of data in cache files to help things run more efficiently the next time around.

Types of Cache on a Mac

There are several types of cache on your Mac, including browser cache, system cache, and application cache. Each serves a different purpose and accumulates different kinds of data.

Why Clear Cache?

Benefits of Clearing Cache

Clearing cache can resolve many issues, from speeding up your Mac to solving software glitches. It frees up storage space, enhances performance, and ensures that you're seeing the most current version of websites and apps.

clear cache on mac

Potential Issues from Cache Buildup

Over time, cache files can become outdated or corrupted, leading to slower performance and other problems. A cluttered cache can cause apps to crash, web pages to load incorrectly, and your system to slow down.

When to Clear Cache?

Signs It's Time to Clear Cache

If your Mac is running slowly, apps are crashing, or you're experiencing glitches, it might be time to clear the cache. Also, if you notice websites not loading correctly or updates not taking effect, clearing the browser cache can help.

Regular Maintenance Schedule

It's a good idea to clear your cache every few months as part of regular maintenance. This helps keep your Mac running smoothly and prevents cache-related issues.

Different Types of Cache on a Mac

Browser Cache

clear cache on mac

Your browser cache stores files from websites you visit to help them load faster next time. This includes images, scripts, and other resources.

System Cache

System cache includes temporary files created by macOS to help the system and apps run smoothly.

Application Cache

Apps store their own cache files to speed up performance. This can include everything from user preferences to temporary data used by the app.

How to Clear Browser Cache on a Mac

Clearing Safari Cache

  1. Open Safari.
  2. Click on "Safari" in the top menu and select "Preferences."
  3. Go to the "Privacy" tab and click "Manage Website Data."
  4. Click "Remove All" to clear the cache.

Clearing Chrome Cache

  1. Open Chrome.
  2. Click on the three dots in the top right corner and go to "Settings."
  3. Scroll down to "Privacy and security" and select "Clear browsing data."
  4. Choose the time range and check "Cached images and files."
  5. Click "Clear data."

Clearing Firefox Cache

clear cache on mac

  1. Open Firefox.
  2. Click on the three lines in the top right corner and go to "Options."
  3. Select "Privacy & Security" and scroll down to "Cookies and Site Data."
  4. Click "Clear Data" and check "Cached Web Content."
  5. Click "Clear."

How to Clear System Cache on a Mac

Using Finder to Locate System Cache

  1. Open Finder.
  2. Click "Go" in the top menu and select "Go to Folder."
  3. Type in ~/Library/Caches and press Enter.

Deleting System Cache Files

  1. In the Caches folder, you'll see various subfolders. Each one corresponds to different system functions and apps.
  2. Select the folders you want to clear (you can delete everything if you're confident).
  3. Move the selected items to the Trash and empty it..

How to Clear Application Cache on a Mac

Finding Application Cache

  1. Open Finder.
  2. Click "Go" in the top menu and select "Go to Folder."
  3. Type in ~/Library/Application Support and press Enter.

Removing Unnecessary Application Cache

  1. In the Application Support folder, locate the folders for the apps you want to clear.
  2. Delete the cache files within these folders. Be careful not to delete important files.

Using Third-Party Tools to Clear Cache

Popular Tools for Cache Cleaning

There are several third-party tools designed to help you clear cache quickly and easily. Some popular ones include CleanMyMac, CCleaner, and MacBooster.

Step-by-Step Guide Using a Popular Tool

  1. Download and install CleanMyMac.
  2. Open the app and select "System Junk" from the sidebar.
  3. Click "Scan" to find cache files.
  4. Once the scan is complete, click "Clean" to remove the cache.

Manual vs. Automatic Cache Clearing

Pros and Cons of Manual Clearing


  • More control over what gets deleted.
  • Can be done without additional software.


  • Time-consuming.
  • Easy to accidentally delete important files.

Pros and Cons of Automatic Clearing


  • Saves time and effort.
  • Less risk of deleting important files.


  • Relies on third-party software.
  • Might not catch all types of cache.

Troubleshooting Cache Clearing Issues

Common Problems and Solutions

Sometimes, you might run into issues like certain cache files not being deleted or your system behaving unexpectedly after clearing cache. Restarting your Mac can often resolve these issues.

When to Seek Professional Help

If you’re not comfortable clearing cache manually or if you encounter persistent issues, it might be best to seek professional help. Apple Support or a certified technician can assist you.

How to Maintain a Clean Cache

Best Practices for Cache Maintenance

  • Regularly clear cache every few months.
  • Use third-party tools to automate the process.
  • Keep your system and apps updated.

Automating Cache Cleaning

Using apps like CleanMyMac can automate cache cleaning and ensure your system stays optimized without much effort on your part.

Impact of Clearing Cache on Mac Performance

Performance Improvements

Clearing cache can significantly improve your Mac’s performance. It can speed up app launches, improve system responsiveness, and free up storage space.

Temporary Slowdowns

Right after clearing cache, you might notice a temporary slowdown as your Mac rebuilds cache files. This is normal and should improve as you continue using your system.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Often Should I Clear Cache?

It's recommended to clear your cache every few months or whenever you notice a decline in performance.

Will Clearing Cache Delete My Files?

No, clearing cache only removes temporary files. Your personal files and data remain untouched.

Is It Safe to Clear Cache Regularly?

Yes, it's safe and beneficial to clear cache regularly to maintain optimal performance.

Can Clearing Cache Fix Software Issues?

Sometimes, yes. Clearing cache can resolve issues like app crashes, slow performance, and loading errors.

What's the Difference Between Cache and Cookies?

Cache stores temporary files to speed up processes, while cookies store user information like login details and preferences.


(How to clear cache on mac computer) Clearing cache on your Mac is a simple yet effective way to keep your system running smoothly. Whether you choose to do it manually or use a third-party tool, regular cache maintenance is key to avoiding performance issues and ensuring a fast, responsive Mac.

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